Trees have shed their autumn blush
They wait now in expectant hush For snow to weigh their branches Dry leaves tickle frosted ground Searching for banks to huddle round And whisper windy secrets The air was brusque, now colder still It shivers with a winter's chill But I, inside, don't feel it My needles and hook are bundled up In colorful yarn and softest fluff That transform in my hands Cozy scarves and tiny hats Then a pair of mittens to match All crafted together with love Clothed in warm accessories We'll brave the chill and rake the leaves To welcome drifting snow
Frenzied leaves spin in the wind
Tousled by fall's frigid breath Hoping for a few more dances Before being buried in winter frosting Cold I'm shivering on my bed Soon to be in the bed And I heard that snow is coming... Too soon! We're barely in October and The leaves still need to dress for autumn Don't bring winter yet! Outside I hear the wind Gusting change through the air I am caught between seasons Hardly knowing which to curl up in to stay My head knows change is good, healthy Brings new dreams and new springs and Growth after cold I tune it out for a spell Content to cozy under comforters Pretending it will be warmer In the morning ![]() A friend of mine stated earlier this year that "a professional is someone who exercises their craft whether they feel like it or not." I thought that was an insightful definition. It also reminded me that all evidence points to me not being a professional blogger. But I've also realized that that's perfectly okay. It's okay for other things to be more important than this blog. When I'm on a project, my relationship to the internet is one of near hibernation. Then afterward, it can take a little while for my creative side to start pumping again. But whether I want to "publish" the content or not, I still enjoy matchmaking words, so I've devised another outlet to contain my writings until they are ready to see the light of online day. A notebook. Blank, inviting lined pages. Not a journal. In this volume lie no expectations of time or content. No theme, no rules, no pressure. In fact, I've made a bookmark to remind me of that, as well as keep my place. A place where I can write fragmented sentences and half-finished lyrics and terrible puns and first-draft thought-spills. Some of these may make it out of the notebook. Eventually. But they wouldn't have to. Part of the purpose is to retrain my brain to not shut out 95% of the so-called dumb ideas that might visit. Because--maybe the dumb part about them could be rehabilitated somehow. That's the hope, but not the pressure! Anyways, there you have it. My attempt to harness trains of thought before they get derailed. :) And now I'm rambling about it. But that could be a good thing, right? Better sometimes to ramble than close up inside. Looks like I just succeeded in writing an entire post about not writing a post. "Sometimes I impress myself!" (That's a quote from a movie, but don't worry if you don't recognize it; most people won't) ... In other news, I just got back home from another feature film shoot. This was my 9th credit as a script supervisor, and I also did a decent voice-over role for the movie as the police dispatcher. Check out StoneTable Films on Facebook for cool behind the scenes stuff. I made some new, very good friends on this set! |
January 2018